Have you been looking for ways to make some extra cash lately? You might not have to look farther than your own garage. The following types of items might be worth quite a bit more than you think. If you rarely or never use them, declutter your garage and sell them!


Do you have boxes of books out in the garage that you’ll never actually read? Sell them online! You can find out what your books are worth and sell them on websites like Amazon or Half.com.

Camping Gear

Brand-new camping gear is expensive. If you don’t use the gear stored in your garage, you can sell it for a reasonable price if it’s still in good shape. Avid campers would be thrilled to find tents, lanterns, backpacks, and cookware for a bargain.

Sporting Goods

Kayaks and canoes, golf clubs, baseball and softball gloves and bats, skis, fishing poles, and similar items can last and hold value for a long time. Parents and outdoorsy individuals often opt for searching online for used items in these categories versus spending hundreds of dollars buying them new at a sporting goods store.


If you have kids, you likely have dozens of their toys stuffed inside your garage. Once your kids outgrow them, you can sell these items online or take them to a local resale store. Things like porcelain or American Girl dolls, wagons, bicycles, video games, and play sets could be worth more than you think.

Building Materials

If you have leftover building materials from your last home renovation project that you know you’ll never use, consider selling them online or giving them to a donation center like Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore.


If you decide you’re not as handy as you or your relatives thought you were (or your significant other wants you to be), you could sell the tools taking up space in your garage. You could make a pretty penny on certain brands of hand tools if they work well and are in good shape.


If it’s time for you to get a new car, consider selling your old one instead of taking the easy route and trading it in. You’ll make more money selling it on your own, and you can use the money as a down payment on your new vehicle. At best, when trading in your car at a dealership, you can expect to get the wholesale value (often after spending time haggling with the salesperson). If you sell it yourself, you could make it closer to the vehicle’s retail value.

WD Door is a garage door repair and installation company in Ankeny, IA. We serve residential and commercial customers throughout the state of Iowa. Click below to experiment with the Wayne Dalton Design Center, or contact us for a quote!