In April of 2016, NBC premiered a new fitness competition called “STRONG,” and their state-of-the-art training facility features beautiful Wayne Dalton aluminum garage doors!
“STRONG” is a 10-episode series that takes competitors on a journey to reach their full potential through intensive training. Gabrielle Reece, a professional volleyball player, and fitness expert, hosts the show. Each of the ten women chosen to be on the show is teamed up with an elite male fitness trainer. Throughout the season, teams work to conquer a series of challenges meant to push each contestant to her physical and mental limits.
Instead of focusing solely on weight loss, this show focuses on developing strength, muscle, and confidence. Every week, one team is eliminated. The last woman standing receives a cash prize of up to $500,000.
Wayne Dalton
Wayne Dalton was established in 1954 and remains a top-quality residential and commercial garage door manufacturing and design company. They work with numerous dealers throughout the United States, including WD Door! The company is continuously and tirelessly innovating and expanding to produce state-of-the-art garage doors and technology for businesses and homes.
Wayne Dalton remains a leader in the garage door industry and has won various awards and recognitions, including being named Brand Leader for Quality by Builder Magazine. Learn more by reading The Story of Wayne Dalton.
The Door Featured on the Show
The type of door featured on “STRONG” is the Wayne Dalton K-AL aluminum full-view door. This door is praised for its strength, durability, weather resistance, and aesthetic appeal. Large glass panels offer maximum visibility from the inside looking out and vice versa. Natural sunlight flows into the interior during the day, brightening the space and reducing the need for artificial lighting. This door can help boost the appeal of any facility. Due to its design, it makes a perfect addition to training facilities, car washes, restaurants, bars, and more!
Aluminum Garage Doors for the Home
Aluminum garage doors aren’t only for commercial properties! These contemporary-looking doors look highly sophisticated in many modern homes. Fuse your indoor and outdoor spaces, let the sunlight into your garage, and enhance your home’s elegance with a straight-line aluminum garage door!
If you’re interested in replacing your old residential or commercial garage door(s), call WD Door! We serve across the state of Iowa. We’d love to help you pick out the perfect garage door and install it for you so you can quickly take advantage of its numerous benefits.