Whether your teen actually ran into your garage door or you’re using him or her as a decoy to avoid humiliation, you’ve come to the right place. Believe it or not, this happens often. Maybe you hopped into the car when it was dark, you were tired, it was icy, or you accidentally reversed when you should have driven forward. Whatever the case, hitting your garage door is not a fun experience, but don’t panic. Follow these tips instead.
Take the situation seriously.
If someone has run into your garage door, don’t panic, but don’t brush it off, either. The situation should be taken seriously. The garage door is probably the largest moving part of your property, so your first step should be to call a professional garage door technician to assess the damage. Even if your door appears to be functioning properly, it’s still wise to have it inspected in case there are any underlying issues that should be addressed. If a cable were to snap due to a problem your untrained eye missed, the door could crash down on something or someone. Don’t wait, either. Even a small amount of damage can grow into a large problem if not taken care of promptly.
What if my garage door won’t close?
If your garage door is stuck open after you hit it, your best option is to call a garage door technician to inspect the situation and make repairs as soon as possible. Some garage door repair companies offer 24-hour emergency service. Don’t forget to ask upfront about any additional fees for emergency service so you know what to expect.
Don’t try to force the door shut if it’s jammed; you could seriously damage your garage door system. When a large force hits the garage door, the door often gets knocked off its track or the track gets bent. Forcing the door down could further damage your track and/or door and make the needed repair exponentially more costly.
What about insurance?
According to Angie’s List, if your vehicle was damaged, you should call your auto insurance company to handle damage claims. Depending on your deductible amount, however, it may be more advantageous for you to simply pay for the repairs out of pocket. Also, call your homeowner’s insurance company for your garage door, and, again, determine the most cost-efficient solution.
When in doubt, call a trusted expert. If you’ve never run into your garage door before, that’s great. It could happen to anyone, though, so it’s good to know what to do in this situation. Be fully prepared for any garage door emergency by doing some research now to find a reputable, trustworthy, local garage door company you can call in a pinch.
WD Door services across the state of Iowa. Let us know if we can help you in any way. We provide repair and installation services for homes and businesses alike. Click on the yellow button to request a free estimate.