Can you fit vehicles, bicycles, tools, toys, lawn mowers, and whatever else you have into your garage, leaving clear walking paths that safely lead to the door to your house? If not, you may need to de-clutter and reorganize your garage. With the warmer weather quickly approaching, bringing birds, rain, hail, and possibly tornadoes, spring is the perfect time to take the plunge and get the job done so your investments can be stowed safely away this summer.
Pick a day or weekend to commit to working in the garage, and then follow these five simple steps for spring cleaning your garage! Grab a few family members or buddies to help make the process quicker and more fun.
Step 1: Clear Everything Out.
If you’re like many Americans, you like to store things instead of tossing them. Maybe your garage has become the prime area for piling things you no longer want in the house but you can’t bring yourself to get rid of completely. It’s time to separate the essentials from unnecessary items. Remove everything from your garage. Clear it out! This way, you’ll touch every item you have stowed inside your garage and give it a once over. You’ll probably pull out several things you haven’t seen in years.
Step 2: Sort.
As you’re pulling things out, don’t just throw everything into a pile outside your garage. Sort them! Make four main piles: keep, sell, donate, and toss. If you haven’t used an item for over a year, you can probably get rid of it.
Step 3: Clean Your Space.
Now that everything is removed from your garage, it’s time to deep clean. Vacuum and wipe down shelving, storage units, refrigerators, freezers, walls, etc. Once the walls are done, move to the floor. Sweep out all the dirt and debris that has collected inside your garage over the months. Grab the hose and spray down your garage floor, starting in the back and moving towards the front of your garage, pushing any remaining dirt towards your driveway. Push any standing water left inside your garage out with a squeegee or broom. Let your garage dry and air out before you move on to step 4.
Step 4: Get Organized.
Take inventory of your “keep pile” to figure out what kinds of storage units you need to install. You may need to purchase new bins, shelving, hooks, or bike racks before you begin moving items back inside. Aim to place as few items as possible on the floor, perhaps only your vehicle(s) and lawn mower. Everything else should be stored off the ground. This will keep your garage looking much cleaner, less cluttered, and more organized.
Step 5: Bring Stuff Back.
Make sure you only keep what you absolutely need, or all your hard work could go to waste, and you could quickly end up where you started. If you’re on the fence about something, get rid of it. As you filter items back into the garage in an organized fashion, you’ll have another chance to ask yourself if you really need to keep something or if you could live without it. Once this step is done, take a step back to admire your hard work. Congratulations! Your garage is finally clean.
Garage Doors in Des Moines
If you need a residential or commercial garage door repair, or if it’s time for a garage door update, call WD Door! We serve across the state of Iowa. Ask us for a quote or let us know how we can help!